- Excellent massecuite exhaustion
- Significant improvement in raw
sugar recovery
- Consistent production conditions
- Factory proven design
- Horizontal pan layout comprising
well-mixed cells
- Small number of cells of optimal
individual cell volumes
- Separate modules with calandria
in each module
- Vertical tube calandria with sloping
tube plates
- Low massecuite boiling head
- Ensure strong circulation of massecuite
- Provide uniform conditions for
crystal growth at any
section along the pan
- Generate narrow crystal size distribution
- Provide flexibility of operation
with minimal operator supervision
- Allow easy observation of boiling
- Permit all operations to be conducted
from one side of pan
- Minimise number of control instruments
- Provide easy access to calandrias
for maintenance
- Simplify valving and feed pipe work
- Augment production capacity by
addition of extra module
- Strong circulation
movement in pan allows production of well
exhausted massecuite of high dry
solid content
- Typically for 64
- massecuite of high
dry, the crystal content in the product exceeds
35% on solids A minimum of operator
supervision while maintaining
consistent production performance
- Production capacity
of SRI Continuous Vacuum Pan is about
30% greater than batch pan of comparable
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